Operating Successfully together

Post-trade commodities processing suffers from slow, complicated, paper-based processes that are subject to loss, delay and error.

VAKT provides access to a fully-digital process that is inherently secure, immutable and private.

using blockchain

We have created a single digital record where all of the details and stages of a trade can be agreed, recorded and seen, securely, by trading partners. This means partners can clearly see opportunities to improve trades in real time and avoid or mitigate potential risks.

By connecting to VAKT your systems are automatically updated with the most up to date, accurate details of a trade. This removes the need for manual keying, delivering a more efficient data management process.

Underpinned by Blockchain

Blockchain has been designed to give algorithmic guarantees of immutability and tamper resistance.

A record of truth is written to the ledger creating an immutable audit trail.

Enterprise- first

Built with robustness and interoperability in mind.

Combining blockchain with stable, tried and tested, cloud-based enterprise technology.

Private, permissioned, distributed

Identity and security are federated: access to sensitive data is only available in the customer cloud infrastructure, shared directly between counterparties when relevant.

VAKT has no default access to customer data, which is fully encrypted.

API integration

VAKT APIs enable near real-time data and document updates across network participants, helping to speed the flow of information while facilitating the connections to new ecosystem participants faster.

Our APIs provide you with the flexibility to configure your data feed into your own ETRM system the way that works best for you, eliminating latency while providing enhanced security and delivery.

Security as a core value

With a solution built on top of a Private Blockchain Network as a Distributed Ecosystem, VAKT is providing its customers with a solution that addresses confidentiality, integrity and availability requirements.

VAKT security posture is validated by external audits that are part of the ISO 27001:2022 and ISO 27017:2015 accreditation process.

More about security


We can’t wait to show you VAKT in action.

Schedule a meeting with us and we’ll demonstrate how a VAKT integration connects you directly with your counterparts and ecosystem partners for fast, secure, sharing of accurate data.

Talk with us

VAKT Global Ltd. - All rights reserved